Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Stories this week...

This one I actually wrote on Friday, but it didn't go up online until Sunday. I contributed to the second brief. It's nothing big.

Here's one for my New England paper.

And another.


Anonymous said...

What fabulous experience you are getting - you will have a huge portfolio of stories to your credit by the end of this semester - should all look mighty good to a potential employer down the road! Love you and am SO PROUD of you!

irishstew said...

Read it. As fast as things financial are coming to a head, your topic was almost old hat--but I guess it wasn't on Sunday when you wrote it. Keep up the good work. Love you, Grandma

S said...

Hooray for Economics and Meteorology!!!
More Excellent work from my favorite reporter ever!
So when do you interview Obama so he can tell you how awesome he is?
